Stepping up: The role of education in responding to the riots

In the wake of the riots, our learning team, along with two classroom teachers, reflect on the importance of teaching migration to counter dangerous and divisive narratives. Read more
In the wake of the riots, our learning team, along with two classroom teachers, reflect on the importance of teaching migration to counter dangerous and divisive narratives. Read more
To mark St Bridgid’s Day, the Republic of Ireland’s public holiday in honour of their patroness, St Bridgid Frances Ewings, Gallery Supervisor at the Migration Museum, shines a light on female Irish migration to Britain – in particular nurses who helped build the NHS. Read more
In this guest blog post, author Lucas Fothergill explores Britain’s mixed-race history, what the latest Census data reveals – and the significance of this moment. Read more
A blog post by Jen Baldwin, Research Specialist at Findmypast to accompany our Taking Care of Business exhibition exploring the history of Marmite and the man who made it famous: Frederick Wissler. Because its story, like so many other ‘quintessentially British’ brands, is a migration story. Read more