Our team
- Aditi Anand
Artistic Director - Alice Millar
Gallery Supervisor - Catherine Humphries
Development Support Manager - Cym Henry
Learning and Volunteer Coordinator - Daniela Zaharieva
Digital Content and Design Officer - Emily Miller
Partnerships Director - Frances Ewings
Gallery Supervisor - Georgina Lewis
Development Director - Ghaf Tajmohammad
Curatorial Project Manager - Harriet Costello
Events and Front of House Manager - Jason Page
Operations Manager & Community Engagement Programmer - Katy Clinch
Retail Manager - Kimberley Cookey-Gam
Gallery Supervisor - Liberty Melly
Head of Learning - Linda Beugre
Head of Finance - Matthew Plowright
Communications and Engagement Director - Mira Joshi
Development Manager, Major Donors - Mona Jamil
Museum Manager - Nanda Valdez
Gallery Supervisor - Rhian Canning
Development Manager - Sophie Henderson
CEO - Sue McAlpine
Curator - Tia Shah
Learning Officer
Liberty Melly
Head of Learning
Liberty is Head of Learning at the Migration Museum. Since joining the museum in early 2017, she has overseen the growth of its learning programme to one that supports thousands of students and trains hundreds of teachers each year, and has expanded its offer to families and young people. Working nationally, the museum facilitates a better conversation about migration, creating resources and working in partnership with Multi Academy Trusts, exam boards and training providers.
Liberty joined the museum from a background in the heritage sector. Following her undergraduate studies in History at the University of Nottingham, she completed an MA in Museums, Galleries, and Contemporary Cultures in 2016, during which her dissertation explored the representation of migration in the UK cultural heritage sector.