Press coverage

View the latest press coverage of the Migration Museum by clicking on the links below. Please visit our Press release page to view and download our latest press releases.

For image and filming requests and all other media enquiries, please contact Matthew Plowright (, +44 7585 117 924).

BBC Leicester – Leicester migrants reflect on stories of how they came to the city (15/11/2014)

‘Images portraying different aspects of migration in England have been on display in Leicester as part of a project being researched at the University of Leicester. The 100 images from the Migration Museum Project inspired visitors and listeners to BBC Radio Leicester to share their own stories of how they came to Leicester to work, study, escape conflict, or to live with family and friends.’


The Guardian – 100 Images of Migration (11/06/2013)

‘Migration to and from Britain over the last 100 years is the subject of a touching exhibition at Hackney Museum in partnership with the Migration Museum Project. 100 donated images document the vast range of experience from those seeking work, refuge or education to those leaving for a new life overseas.’
